Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The Tortoise and the Scorpion

Today on the way home from work, trying to clear my mind and remember all I may have forgotten for my trip to Buffalo, I was listening to This American Life. This episode was dedicated to the life of David Rakoff. I'd heard him many times on the broadcast and love his work. Today, I heard more than I bargained for. The piece ended with a rhyming couplet, story he wrote about giving a speech at a wedding. The main character, Nathan, gives this toast to the bride and groom...the bride was once his girlfriend and the groom, his best mate.

Through the story, Nathan tells the fable, "The Tortoise and the Scorpion." Read the transcript of the story here.

A quick summary of the fable: The Scorpion asks the Tortoise for a ride across the river. The Tortoise says no..."I know you, you'll sting me." The Scorpion pleads with the Tortoise, offering the argument, "If I sting you, we will both drown." Of course, the Tortoise agrees...only to be stung and killed by the Scorpion. The Scorpion only offers that it is in his nature to sting and dies as well.

I have to wonder...Am I the Scorpion? Am I meant to sting? Am I the Tortoise, that knowingly walks into danger, to help someone in need? Of course we all hope to be the Tortoise: He's open. He's trusting. He allows himself to be vulnerable. I feel like I am the Scorpion, most days. While not intending to sting, it is simply in my nature to sting before being stung. I live on the defense. The ending line of the story discusses the moral of the story...
Though it may spell destruction, we still ask for more,
since it beats staying dry, but so lonely on shore.
So we make ourselves open, while knowing full well
it's essentially saying, please, come pierce my shell.
Wow! Talk about hitting home. Meanwhile...I've been reading, Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead by Brene Brown. I just finished her book, The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You're Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are. She just released this one and I had to read it.

I know that letting go of things, admitting my vulnerabilities and letting others take control is a personal struggle for me. As I'm rolling over the last read chapter in my brain, I hear this:

Though it may spell destruction, we still ask for more,
since it beats staying dry, but so lonely on shore.
So we make ourselves open, while knowing full well
it's essentially saying, please, come pierce my shell.
We make ourselves open. We allow others into our lives and, knowing full well they can pierce our shells, we have to open or remain alone on the shore. We need the constant connection of others. Failure is ok. Failure is a human experience. While failure may happen, we may hurt each other, we may get hurt: it beats staying dry, but so lonely on shore.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Day Four

Today was the last day of training, so for a treat, the class got to watch Big Bang Theory. Watching this, in India, was hilarious. Because my sleep schedule is so disrupted, I got ill after lunch. It wasn't bad, just nauseated due to lack of sleep. I pushed through and made it.

Akshardham (from their website)
After work, Rohit, Michael, Harry, Josh and I got to view Akshardham. It is famous temple in Ghandinagar. Sadly, we couldn't take photos of this beautiful place. We walked through the temple barefoot and viewed the museum. As someone who grew up in a museum (Discovery Place for 8 years) I'm a sucker for dioramas and preserved clothing. Granted, we were indoors, with no AC but I just studied everything. Here is the site, their photos are better than I could've done anyway.
Akshardham Temple

The Laser Show all projected onto a water curtain. (from their website)

The viewing of the temple was followed by a laser show projected on a water curtain. It was so cool, but in Hindi, so Rohit had to retell the story to us after the show. We were all a bit lost. Again, no pictures, but there is a website.
Laser Show

Again, I can't express how much I love this country. It was on my bucket list visit and I'm so fortunate to have achieved it. I can't wait to travel more. Also, I can't wait to come back to India.

Friday, July 20, 2012

We are so very blessed

The Center
Good morning from India.

Yesterday was full. I arrived at the center at 9:30am for training to begin. This group of people are amazing. They have shown me so much love and kindness. I am loving every minute of my adventure here. We went for lunch and ate amazing food. I've only seen the hotel and the center since I arrived so forgive the numerous pictures of food, but honestly it is all I've seen so far.

Food Court at Infocity
This is where we ate lunch, it was quick drive from the center and Dilipbhai took us. The food was awesome, of course, but it was even better seeing something outside of the center. Thankfully, Michael and I had Rohit to order for us. I just sit quietly while he does all the talking.

Paneer Tikka
I'm trying my best to learn all the words for food so maybe one day I can order for myself. Tikka is something that is on a skewer and Paneer is cottage cheese.

We ate until we could barely move and still couldn't finish...the best part for three of us, it was about $10. Wow.

The Beast
We came back to the office where the agents are continuing training. They are all such wonderful people and so very kind. The best part of their day, was my scariest moment. I was trying to go back to my cabin (office) and was thwarted by a lizard in my path. I was terrified. I made Rohit take this picture. One of the agents assured me, "he is an Indian lizard, he will not harm you." Still, it is a lizard, in my path...I was escorted past the beast by Dhaval. Dear, brave, Dhaval. Here's a pic of the beast.

Also, I have a wonderful friend attached to my Cabin wall. This is one of many Hindu Gods, Ganesha.

I need all the help I can get. I'll take it.

After work, Dilipbhai took Rohit, Michael, Harry and myself to dinner in Ahmadabad. Again, Rohit ordered and I continued learning more Hindi words. The food was so amazing and plentiful, I'm still full from it.
Cheese Naan
Chicken Saag, Lamb Masala

Cheese naan is probably the most amazing thing I've ever tasted in my whole life. It is covered in garlic and stuffed with the best cheese I've ever tasted. Incredible.

As I haven't seen much apart from my ride to and from the center, here is a video of my commute this morning. Notice how many possible collisions occur, yet everyone is ok. Everyone honks, the backs of trucks say, "Honk OK Please." It is terrifying. 

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Namaste - Day Two

I crashed hard last night. I went to bed at 7pm, my body was exhausted. This morning offers a new day of excitement and adventure.

My Greeting

I was greeted at the office yesterday with these beautiful flowers. The people here at Etech are incredible and so kind.

My Cabin

The monkey family

Then, I was shown my office, which is called a cabin...much nicer name than a cube! I will now have a cabin at TWC instead of a cube.

                                                                     The office is actually in the jungle...not the 'Jungle Book,' type of jungle, but the actual jungle...with Monkeys!
There was a whole family of them and my driver, stopped to let me take photos. Dilipbhai is my driver, I will get a photo. He is so kind and makes the adventure of coming to work a pleasure.
He says Sunday I will get to ride an elephant and a camel!!! How exciting! 

My room. I love pictures of hotel rooms from my past trips. They are all so very different. I'm staying at the Marriott. Thus, the Book of Mormon is in my bedside table...but notice the shower in the back ground. I had to take a close up then a wide shot of the room. It is all open. 

The Book of Mormon

Wide Shot...yep my bathroom next to the bed.

Namaste, India

The Flight Path from NJ to Mumbai 14 hours appr.
I arrived yesterday evening to my hotel around 10:45 after over 24 hours of travel. In a word, I am exhausted, but so excited for this opportunity. I've met the Etech team and all the leaders. The first wave seems conifdent and ready to take on the Launch. For this I'm grateful. Everyone in India has been so kind. I am enjoying myself, I think...the sleep deprivation is getting to me. I was able to have a wonderful meal, thanks to DC and see, at a distance...Police prevented us from going further, the Arabian Sea.

Breakfast - Papaya, Pineapple, Kiwi - Sausage, Eggs, and Onion Chutney

I had a flight this morning at 5:30 that proved the scariest part of the adventure, thus far. I was taken to the wrong airport, but in the end all was well. I had a delicious breakfast on the plane and was met at the airport by Michael and Dilip.

My ride to the hotel in Mumbai.
A Camel...in traffic.
The ride to the center was incredible. I generally fear for my life while in a vehicle but moreso for the lives of pedistrians. Last night we grazed a guy and kept going. The cars driving on the left hand side takes some getting used to as well. The most exciting part, however was seeing the Camel!! I know this is such and American thing to say, but for real!! a camel in traffic. I also saw a monkey but didn't get a pic.

Stay tuned.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Buffalo, NY

I made it to Buffalo, NY. This my first time in the state and the office overlooks Lake Erie. Another first, I've never seen a Great Lake. It is beautiful.

I'm loving the new job and the people I work with. Buffalo is a lot closer to the MLEA vibe. I'm only here for a day and next week I'll be presenting at ISPI 2012 in Toronto!

I am pumped! Last year was so much fun. The people are so full of knowledge and it is truly a booster shot of energy to get back to the grind. Sometimes we need a reminder of why we decided to do this in the first place. ISPI is an excellent example of that. I'm honored to serve on the Charlotte Chapter board...well I will be again, soon. I'm also thrilled to lead the Emerging Professionals Committee.

Not really a thrilling life, but I'm loving EVERY minute. I couldn't be happier to be where I am. I've worked so hard for this. I deserve it.

Saturday, April 7, 2012


I'm so blessed in so many ways. I knew when I started Grad school it was the beginning of something wonderful. I knew it would change my life. I didn't know how much.

The last year has been one of constant change. I've moved, I've grown, I've loved. What more could you ask for?

I'm so happy and content with my life. Blessings abound. My life is so much different than I ever imagined it would be. It is exactly where I need to be. It took every step to get here. I'm loved so much more than I could have ever dreamed.

I am blessed.

It is Easter. A time symbolic of growth and rebirth. What an appropriate time to shed the hurt of the past and start anew.

Happy Easter

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Interesting article

Tonight while hanging out with some friends, we began discussing what constitutes a pathological liar.

I googled it:


That article led me to a few on narcissistic personality disorder. This seems to be the underlying cause of Pathological Lying.

The things you learn at trivia.

Good reading for sure. Enjoy.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Sometimes, you can go home again...

Only a few more days until I'm back home living in Charlotte.

I've left this town so many times, yet somehow I always end up back there. I'm a little nostalgic about the move. I do not; however feel that I have failed in any way. This is so much different than Korea. I came home from Korea, defeated. I was scared and I left.

This time, I had no intentions of coming home. I missed Charlotte, but I was determined to make this work. I LOVED my job here in Charleston. I love living so close to the ocean.

I am so fortunate for the opportunity to work with my new company. I will be surrounded by professionals in my field.

I am fortunate that my family and friends do not buy into the belief that, "You can't go home again."

I am fortunate for the overwhelming love and support I've received from these same people while I've been down here.

I'm a lucky, lucky girl.

Thank you all for your support and love in this little twist and turn in my life. I love you, too.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Moving and Grooving

So, here's the run down. I moved to Charleston, SC to work for the Coast Guard. I loved it. The military life suits me as a civilian.

Last week I received an offer to move back to Charlotte, NC. I took it.

Was it because I don't like Charleston?

Was it because I'm homesick?

Was it because I moved here to further my career and was offered another opportunity to do just that?

Plain and simple. I actually was just starting to make some friends and wasn't going home as much. But, I'm moving on up in the world and I have to go.

So long Charleston, I'll see you later.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Six Whole Weeks!

I am as shocked as everyone else. Six weeks ago, I moved here...six. Sure, maybe for you, six weeks isn't a big deal, but for me, I've moved a mountain. I'm growing to love my home. I'm slowly venturing out of my comfort zone and exploring this new town. I'm still not totally sold on being here forever, but I'm really liking it right now.

Yep, pink is my signature color.
First off, I really miss my sister. She's my best friend. I miss sitting up way too late chatting with her about everything under the sun. Yes, we have Skype and phones, but still.
Secondly, I miss inviting a group of people over for dinner and company. I know these days will return as I make new friends down here. I'm working on that.

Today's target.
I have started going to a gun range to conquer my unknown fear of handguns. I had no idea when I went to ladies night last week that holding a gun in my hand would make me shake. I screamed the first time I fired it and it took 50 rounds to feel better.

I did it. I went alone, I met people, I fired a gun. Today, I went back. I thought I could handle a larger weapon and I was defeated. I went back to the .22 and felt much better. I'll have to work my way up to the 9mm.

I was so freaked out by this 9mm that I didn't stop shaking for 3 hours after the session. I guess that's why I never hit that stupid x. Oh well...maybe later.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Happy New Year - Week Four

I can't believe it is 2012. I rang in the New Year with an amazing kiss from the sweetest boy ever. (Mushy-yes. Do I care - No.) Last year was one of extreme transition. I moved, twice, finished grad school, changed jobs, turned 30...sheesh! It was a big year.
Sarah and I

I am happy for a bit more stability this year. I'm looking forward to solidifying my career, home life, and general well being. I feel like an adult these days. I have a one bedroom apartment and I'm living all alone. This is different for me. I've had Sarah by my side for so long, I feel like I've lost a limb.

Fun times on the pier with Harper, Sarah, and Alan
Thankfully, this weekend, Sarah and Alan came down with Bentley to visit and see the beach. It was so great to laugh with my sister again. Friday afternoon, Harper came down and we walked on the beach and the pier then ended the evening eating oysters with Sarah and Alan.

Saturday, Harper and I drove down to Edisto to meet his friends for a New Year's Eve party. It is always amazing to me that I lived above Angie for a year and ended up meeting Harper through her because of a Tweet-Up. (Long story for a later blog.) His friends welcomed me and we all had an amazing time ringing in 2012! Time has certainly flown by. I can honestly say, this was the best NYE of them yet!

Harper and I
Sunday morning, we drove back to Charleston and walked through the markets for a few hours. It was so wonderful to learn so many new things about a person. This is what I love about us; there is so much to learn about each other. There are so many stories to tell and hear. This is what makes the beginning a relationship so exciting. On top of all of that, I get an awesome group of new friends to learn about as well. I'm certainly the outsider, but I'm grateful for their kindness and welcoming attitudes.

Week Five - Time is flying

I'm starting to see that I'm becoming accustomed to this place. I'm starting to venture out alone, make some friends, and meet new people. I'm also not blogging as much. That's a good thing. In Charlotte, I rarely was ever home. I worked from 8am to 6pm left work to meet friends, got home late and got up to do it all over again. Here the schedule is a bit different.
Folly Beach

5am - Wake up
6am - Leave for work
6:30 - Start work
3pm - Leave work
3:30 - Get home from work
4pm - Nap
6pm - Dinner
8pm - Bed with tv

Thank God for my BFF Jen, she's been down a lot to keep me from going too crazy. I go home quite a bit too. This weekend, I got to go to the mountains with Harper. We had a wonderful doing absolutely nothing. I left work early Friday (I LOVE flex time) and got to his place about 5. We headed straight out and he won major brownie points for having a Cheerwine and Almond Joy waiting for me in the car. He's wonderful. We lounged around all day Saturday and did absolutely nothing besides play cards and watch football. It was a great trip.

Monday I headed home - I actually am starting to refer to Charleston as home. I've caught myself saying it more than once. My tiny little apartment is beginning to become mine. One day I might even unpack the rest of the boxes...