Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Week Three

Week two of the job was exciting and helped me understand why I packed up my life to move to Charleston, SC. I can honestly say I do love what I do. I do love this new position. I did make the right choice by moving here.

These things all kept me awake at night for weeks trying to decide if moving here was a good idea. I extracted every bit of advice from every person I knew.

Is this a good move for my career?
Is this a good move for myself?
Will I fail miserably like I did in Korea?

All these were answered by my friends and colleagues. Yes, this is an excellent career move. Yes, this is a good thing for you to do at 30. As I am single, with no children, now is the time to make this move. This isn't the type of risk you can take with a husband and children to uproot as well.

Will I fail like I did in Korea..... This was far and above all other questions I was asking myself. For those who know me and those who don't, I consider - although I shouldn't - my Korea experience a total life failure. I'm constantly reminding myself, without Korea:
I would still be working at Children's Theatre (aka - broke)
I would not have my Master's
I would not have the depth of friendships I have developed
I would most likely still be in an abusive relationship, thinking it was, "ok," or, "not that bad"

Korea wasn't a failure. It was a short chapter in my life that propelled me into new lands. It helped me find a career. It was a small stepping stone that led me here.

As I begin Week three on the job, I am encouraged by the wealth of knowledge that surrounds me in this new path. I still have so much to learn, but I'm excited that the leaders in this division are open to new ideas and I feel I have a voice here. I feel I have a lot to learn and a lot to offer.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so happy you're loving your job and your life! Charleston is amazing. Maybe I'll move my butt down there soon.
