Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Charleston, Week One

The beautiful flowers from Jason.
So the move was awesome. I have the greatest people in my life ever!
  1. Anna flew down to help. Super bestest friend ever! How did I get this lucky?
  2. Joy drove down, just to help. My extended family cannot be beat.
  3. Hiring idea ever!
  4. A bouquet of flowers waiting outside my door when I arrived = best boyfriend on earth!
  5. All the neighbors have come to my door to greet and welcome me. Everyone I've met has been so friendly. I'm spoiled.
Joy and I at my Going Away Party
I can't believe I live in another city. I tried this before, and it didn't work. For this reason, I signed an 8 month lease. I admit it. I'm scared. I'm alone here. I don't know anyone. I know I'm great at meeting people, I know I'm outgoing and friendly, and I know I'm going to be ok.

I am allowing myself to be ok with being scared.

I am allowing myself to miss Charlotte.

I am allowing myself to believe in the possibility that this could be permanent or temporary.

I am allowing myself to be open to possibility that this is a great idea!

I am allowing myself to do what I need to do to be ok. If this means, a few miles on the treadmill watching When Harry Met Sally or stopping at the Hot Doughnuts Now sign, so be it. It will all even out.

Anna Bobanna - BFF
I will be ok!

Everything I've wanted is within my reach. I've met the most amazing man ever, I have the job I've wanted since beginning Grad school. I live 3 miles from the beach.

My life is amazing and working out the way it should. I've moved past my past way of thinking - waiting for the other shoe to drop. I'm expecting incredible things -- and those things are coming my way. I end this post with my favorite quote from Mr. Mark Twain:
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.

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