Monday, November 7, 2011

Last night, I was prompted in conversation to come up with a random fact about myself. After coming up short, I found an older post and updated it. Here are 25 random facts about myself. Enjoy.

1. I've always wanted to be an author more than anything else.
2. I am deathly afraid of butterflies. I'm serious! They have an erratic flight pattern. It freaks me out.
3. I've recently learned that I am a feminist and didn't know it. Seriously, research the actual definition, you probably are too.
4. I'm usually really good at anything I try.
5. I don't honestly know about my feelings concerning reincarnation. I do however have a very strong feeling that I was killed in a car accident in the 1950's.
6. I LOVE Teen Mom. I know it is awful. And, I love it anyway.
7. My father died of a heart attack at the age of 42, I'm concerned.
8. I dream in color, most nights, and generally remember my dreams.
9. I frequently dream of losing all of my teeth.
10. I adore cleaning a serger. If you've done it, you would understand.
11. I can put snaps on faster than most people I know.
12. I once had a poem published in the newspaper. I was 8.
13. I wanted my name to be Stephanie. I like Samantha now.
14. I have made out with Billy Currington. He's a country singer. Most haven't heard of him, but look him up, he's hot!
15. When I was 6, I wanted more than anything to marry Patrick Swayze. Until his death, I really felt this was possible.
16. I was the president of my Chess Club.
17. I was a Mathlete.
18. I hate time-travel themed movies and books. It confuses me and I don't like being confused.
19. I am 100% certain that kissing should be a daily requirement for healthy living. Now, I have to find someone with the same view to connect with.
20. If I get sick, I am serious about this, take me to House!!!
21. I cannot swim because I almost died in a pool as a child.
22. I went to one day of nursing school. I pass out at the sight of blood.
23. I've never been to jail, but I have puked on a police officer's shoes.
24. I have a deep belief in the afterlife and the ability of those who are gone to communicate with us who are still here. My grandfather "haunts" my home now. I've also been told a small native american lady follows me around and is my guide.
25. My great-great-great etc. grandmother was born on the trail of tears and was adopted by some white people who found her on their doorstep.


  1. just came across your blog via jen's blog. love it! and i love billy currington. love him!
